Disheng Wang

Web Developer & Front-end Developer


San Francisco



Fav Sport



Who am I

My name is Disheng Wang, my English name is Sean.

Below is the summary of myself:

  • Hand on experience with extensive expertise in JavaSCript and React.js
  • Proficient using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/ES6, React.JS, React-Router and Redux
  • Excellent Team Player, bilingo (Chinese, English), a life-long learner and always willing to learn any new technologies
  • Immigrant Working Status: US Citizen and willing to reallocated to anywhere in the US

My Educaiton: University of California, Merced | Merced, California | Jan 2019

  • Majoring in Computer Science and Engineer
  • Minoring in Cognitive Science


What I have done

Web App   IoT Project

Project: Object-Oriented Flappy-Bird Gaming

  • In team of two people using C++ and OpenGL to make a game that similar to Flappy Bird
  • The purpose of this project is to use OpenGL and understand the concept of OOP

Project: Database project about Badminton-Players

  • Using UML and E/R diagram to design and using Java and SQLite to implement a tiered data management application consisting of an interface for interacting with the user and a back-end database for storing and retrieving the data.
  • The user should have the capability to visualize the data in the database, add new data, delete, and update existing data.


What do I know

Programming Language: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), Java, C++, SQL, SASS, SCSS

Frameworks/libraries: Frameworks/libraries:

Database: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB

Develop Tool: Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime, Git